Forth Éorlingas!
Lord of the Rings & Dragon Cave

by llamajoy

This is Faramir, son of Denethor.

But, you say, that looks like a baby dragon!

Let me back up a moment and tell you about Dragon Cave, an online game for collecting and breeding different kinds of dragons. I've been playing since the summer of 2008, but the game goes back a year or two even earlier than that. My complete scroll of collected dragons can be found here, and let me tell you, there is nothing that feels so Christmassy as trying to catch a limited holiday dragon on 25 December every year.

So, for the past year, I've been collecting, breeding, and carefully building a nerd-tastic dragon dynasty. You can see that Faramir's illustrious lineage traces back several generations-- specifically, on his mother's side, all the way back to Imrazor, the first named Prince of Dol Amroth (ah, those wacky Númenóreans). Faramir-dragon should become an adult on Christmas Day, at which time he'll find his mate. No surprise, this will be Éowyn.

Check out HER lineage.

Yes, that goes all the way back to Léod, whose son Éorl tamed Felaróf, the first of the Mearas, swore an Oath with Cirion of Gondor, and became the first King of the Riddermark. Probably in that order.

The lineage captures the sons of Éorl all the way through the first break, when Helm Hammerhand and his sons did not survive the Long Winter (Third Age 2578-9), and Helm's sister's son Fréaláf slew Wulf the Dunlending and reclaimed Meduseld, the Golden Hall.

That same Meduseld which was incidentally built by Brego, son of Éorl, whose three sons were Baldor (who unsuccessfully trod the Paths of the Dead), Aldor (who continued the kingly line, reigning for seventy-five years!), and Éofor (whose fifteenth-generation descendant was Éomund).

That very Éomund who wed Théodwyn, the youngest daughter of Thengel, youngest sister of Théoden King.

The fallen sons are all accounted for, the ones who died before they could have children -- Folcred and Fastred, twin sons of Folcwine, slain in the battle of the Haradrim while honoring the Oath of Éorl; Theodred, slain at the Fords of Isen. All the other unnamed daughters and sisters are in there, too (as Tolkien, shall we say, did have a habit of focusing on the men of any given family line): Aldor's three daughters, Theoden's other sisters, and the forgotten daughter of Helm Hammerhand.

So on Christmas Day, Faramir and Eowyn will wed. In another month, if all goes well, Faramir's uncle Imrahil will have three sons-- and a daughter, Lothíriel, who will wed Éomer. Éomer and Lothíriel have one child (a son, Elfwine), and Éowyn and Faramir have at least one child (also a son, Elboron). Elboron is known to have a son, Barahir, who chronicles the eventual death of King Elessar and the passing of his grieving widow, Arwen Undómiel. And beyond that, the rest is left to speculation.

Next year, maybe I'll recreate the line of the Half-Elven.


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